a look at mini dental implants 5e042b203b5f6

A Look at Mini Dental Implants

Dental implants are the standard treatment for missing teeth. However, implant dentistry is not one-size-fits-all. Mini dental implants are basically the same as regular implants, but they are smaller. They can be used to give support to dentures, bridges and fixed crowns, as well as for securing lower arch and loose dentures. They are never fully integrated, as they are a temporary support structure.

Regular implants usually take months to be completed. This is mainly because the bone needs time to graft with the titanium post that has been embedded into the jawbone. Once this happens, the artificial tooth or crown is attached to the post and it is just like a natural tooth, only stronger. This takes at least two visits to our cosmetic dentist. Mini dental implants are usually installed in just one visit. As with regular implants, mini implants require the same care as natural teeth.

Mini dental implants can also be used for denture stabilization. Our dentist can use diagnostic imaging tools to place the implant in the proper location. This procedure can be done in one day and you will go home with a dramatic change in your denture retention.

The good news is that people who do not have adequate bone mass in their jawbone for regular implants can take advantage of mini dental implants. They eliminate some of the most annoying problems with dentures and bridges, including effects on speech, improper fitting, gum irritation, pain, poor oral hygiene and bone loss. We adapt the dentures to snap onto the implants.

During a consultation with our specialist at the office of Samuel F. Jirik, DDS, your teeth may be examined, as well as your jawbone and gums to determine if you are a good candidate for mini dental implants. This treatment may be your best option to significantly improve your quality of life.

The office of Samuel F. Jirik, DDS is located in Cabot, AR and happily serves clients in the Little Rock, AR and surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation to learn more information about mini dental implants.

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