Bone Grafting

When a patient has been missing a tooth or a few teeth for a period of time, there is a good chance their jawbone in the area has deteriorated. This is because the jawbone hasn't received the energy delivered down through the teeth into the jaw when we bite and chew.

This energy constantly triggers the jawbone to shed old cells and build new cells to replace them. This is how our jawbone stays healthy throughout our life. Without the energy due to the missing teeth above, the jawbone in that area begins to resorb. When this happens on a large scale, the person missing most or all of his or her teeth can appear as if their jaw is collapsing backward.

That's why replacing a missing tooth is so important; the best way to do that is with a dental implant. Dr. Jirik believes implants are far and away the best method for replacing a missing tooth or a couple of teeth or for anchoring larger restorations like bridges. Because implants are anchored into the jawbone, just as a natural tooth is, they feel and function exactly like a natural tooth.

However, to place the implant base, the patient needs to have sufficient bone mass to anchor the implant adequately. If the patient has been missing the tooth for some time, there may no longer be enough bone mass. For these patients, Dr. Jirik will place bone grafts to encourage new bone mass to form. This happens before the implant is placed.

What is a bone graft?

A dental bone graft is a procedure that replaces missing bone in your jaw with bone grafting material to encourage new bone to regenerate. As the natural bone grows, it absorbs the graft material, resulting in a fully integrated region of new bone.

There are four different materials used for bone grafts:

  • Autografts — Tissue comes from the patient’s own body, usually the chin, shin, or hip.

  • Allografts — Tissue comes from a human donor, usually cadaver bone.

  • Xenografts — Tissue comes from the inorganic portion of animal bones, typically cows.

  • Alloplasts — These grafts are created from hydroxyapatite, a naturally occurring mineral in bone.

How is bone grafting performed?

Most patients assume these must be very involved procedures with Dr. Jirik. Actually, the process is quite straightforward. These treatments are usually done with the patient under only local anesthesia. The first step is to make a small incision in the gum tissue to gain access to the jawbone. To prepare for implant placement, the graft material (options discussed above) will usually be placed in the socket formerly occupied by the natural tooth root. After the graft material is placed in the tooth socket, it is covered with a collagen membrane, and the incision is closed.

Now we wait. Your body initiates the building of new bone, and this takes several months. As this process progresses, your body replaces the bone graft material with new bone.

If you have more minimal bone loss and Dr. Jirik believes you have an adequate bone mass to take an implant, he may insert bone graft material at the same time he is placing the implant base into your jaw. Then, your jaw will create a new bone mass at the same time it is growing around the implant.

Who is a candidate for bone grafting?

If you've had long-term gum disease, the odds are you've lost bone mass in your jaw. Also, even if your gums are healthy but you've been missing a tooth or teeth for a long period of time, bone mass under the gaps has likely resorbed. If this has happened, you will need bone grafting to rebuild bone mass to place dental implants. These are the general conditions where a person would need grafting:

  • Dental implants — As explained above, grafts rebuild bone to anchor and support dental implants adequately.

  • Tooth extractions — For adult tooth extractions, it is common for the dentist or oral surgeon to place bone-grafting material down in the tooth socket after a tooth has been removed. This ensures that there will be adequate bone mass if the patient wants to replace the tooth with an implant.

  • To save teeth — When a person has severe periodontal disease, the teeth can become loose, and there is a risk of losing multiple teeth. Bone grafting can be done around the teeth to increase bone and support the teeth.

How long does a bone graft procedure take?

There are two answers to this question. When Dr. Jirik makes a small incision to access the jawbone, places the bone graft material into the socket of the former tooth root, and closes the incision, this usually takes from 45 to 90 minutes. The secondary time period is waiting for the transplanted material to grow enough new bone to support a dental implant. The body slowly replaces the grafting material with new bone. This process varies depending upon the patient but typically takes from 3 to 6 months.

What Are the Benefits of a Bone Grafting Procedure?

The bone grafting procedure may be done for numerous reasons. The most recognized is the stability of your restoration. The bone graft restores optimal bone mass, which, in turn, supports a restoration similar to a dental implant. The bone graft also supports the natural structures that remain, decreasing the risk of excessive bone degradation and facial "sinking." With the restoration of optimal bone structure, you can continue to enjoy maximum chewing function, dental stability, and appearance, all of which support a higher quality of life.

What Should I Expect at My Bone Grafting Consultation?

Your bone grafting consultation will include a thorough discussion regarding your current dental situation and the outcome that you would like to achieve. The doctor will provide you with the information that you need to understand how the procedure works, why it is necessary, and the outcome you can expect. A dental examination and imaging may also be done during that same visit to determine the degree of bone deterioration that has occurred and how to proceed to achieve the best results.

How Should I Prepare for Bone Grafting Surgery?

After your consultation and decision to have bone grafting before your dental implant procedure, Dr. Jirik or a knowledgeable member of our staff will provide you with clear instructions regarding how to prepare for your procedure and your recovery. One of the most significant pre-treatment instructions is to avoid certain substances. You may need to quit smoking. You may also need to avoid certain medications and supplements. It is important to identify those that can thin your blood, increasing your risk of bleeding. Before having your bone grafting procedure, you may need to schedule other dental work that will be supportive of your graft and tooth replacement. You should also pick up prescriptions ahead of time as needed to either begin taking them before your bone grafting procedure or immediately afterward.

What Are the Risks of a Bone Grafting Procedure?

Bone grafting is generally considered very safe. It is a necessary procedure that will enable you to get the most benefit from your dental implant procedure. While the risk of complications is low, they do exist. They include the risk of anesthesia complications, nerve damage, excessive bleeding, and infection. If you have questions about how Dr. Jirik works to mitigate the risks of this minor oral surgery, please do not hesitate to bring them up during your consultation.

How Long Will My Bone Grafting Results Last?

We usually expect bone grafting to last indefinitely. Likewise, the increase in your bone density and height can support the lifelong stability of your new dental implants.

Can You Brush Your Teeth After a Bone Graft?

Your oral hygiene is an essential aspect of your recovery process. You will be provided with precise care instructions to follow after your bone grafting procedure. This may include rinsing with a special oral rinse or salt water up to several times a day. You can and should brush your teeth after your procedure, but you may be instructed to avoid the area where the bone graft was done. You should be able to floss the areas around the surgical site, but you may not have brushed just yet. You may resume normal brushing and flossing approximately seven days after the graft has been done. If you have questions during your recovery, please do not hesitate to contact the office.

What should I expect during my recovery from bone grafting?

You may experience some soreness in the area of the bone graft, but it is not acute and can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. The small incision to access the bone heals quickly, as long as you're not a smoker. Discomfort only lasts a day or two.

What Is Bone Grafting For Dental Procedures?

A dental bone graft is a procedure where a dentist or a specialist adds volume to a patient's jaw where bone loss occurred. Jawbone loss can be brought on by a number of things, such as gum disease, missing teeth, and even smoking.

Why Might I Need a Bone Graft for a Dental Procedure?

Similar to the causes, there are many reasons why someone may need a bone graft for a dental procedure.

These causes include the following:

  • You have a fracture that may not heal without a bone graft.

  • You need to have a tooth extracted.

  • Your jaw needs to be rebuilt before you can acquire dentures.

  • You have a fracture that did not heal properly.

  • You need dental implant surgery.

  • You need spinal fusion surgery.

Getting a bone graft can help promote the growth of new, healthy bones.

What Types of Materials Are Used for Bone Grafts in Dental Procedures?

There are four types of materials that can be used for a bone graft: autogenous, allograft, xenograft, and alloplast. Autogenous is when the bone material is taken from your own body. Allografts are when you opt to purchase the necessary material from a human tissue bank. Xenografts are similar to allografts, except they are from an animal tissue bank instead of a human tissue bank. Alloplasts use synthetic material rather than natural material from your body or a bank.

Are There Any Risks or Complications Associated With Dental Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting is considered to be a very safe procedure. However, it has its own risks you must be aware of.

Below is a list of the potential risks that can occur from a bone graft:

  • You could contract an infection from the operation.

  • It is possible to experience blood clotting.

  • The nerves could become damaged.

  • Complications from the provided anesthesia.

  • The donated bone becomes infected, which is incredibly rare.

Another potential risk you need to be aware of is that the bone may not heal the way it should even with a bone graft. Your doctor will go over your medical history to see which risks are more likely to occur.

How Long Does It Take to get Dental Implants After a Bone Graft?

Patients who need dental implants may require a bone graft to ensure there is enough volume and density within the jaw. If your dentist suggests you get a bone graft before dental implants, you will have to wait approximately three to four months before they can be installed.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you're interested in learning more about bone grafting, please contact us for a consultation at (501) 430-4516 or fill out our contact us form. We will discuss your needs and concerns and determine your best course of action.

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