If you are having major dental work, such as implants or bone grafting, it can be overwhelming. You may be worried about what kind of healing will be involved in your procedure and how long your recovery will be. You know that your dental work will be worth it in the end when you have a beautiful smile, but you wish that there was some way to ease the process. Thanks to innovations in dentistry, you do have an option that can promote healing. PRP injections could be the answer for you as you undergo your next dental procedure.
What are PRP Injections?
These injections are made of platelet rich plasma. Plasma is a fluid that is a by-product of your blood. It is filled with platelets, a natural substance that helps your body to heal. When you have been hurt or have had surgery, your body will respond on its own to begin the healing process. Platelets will gather at the site of a wound in order to step up your system’s efforts to heal. When you have a dental procedure that creates a surgical wound in your mouth, our cosmetic dentist can inject platelet rich plasma into the site of the wound to increase the rate of healing. It means less downtime and discomfort for you while you benefit from a natural substance that comes from your own body. Tap into the potential of your blood with PRP injections.
Where Does the Platelet Rich Plasma Come From?
When you come in for your dental procedure, we will draw a small amount of blood. The blood will then go through a process where the platelets are separated from the rest of your blood. Once your procedure is over, you will be given PRP injections in order to enhance your body’s own efforts to heal after your procedure. Our dentist will actually saturate your surgical wound with platelets to give your body a jumpstart on repairs.
Why Choose PRP Injections?
These injections can make your dental procedure go more smoothly. You are likely to come in for more steps in your procedures, but you have to heal first. With PRP injections, you will be able to move forward more quickly so that you can get to the finish line sooner. The most important reason to have the injections is to ease your pain as you heal more quickly.
Ask About PRP Today
As you prepare for your major dental work, ask the team at the office of Dr. Samuel F. Jirik, DDS about PRP injections. Learn more about the benefits of using your plasma to help your mouth to heal as soon as possible. Ease your mind as you discover how a simple injection that uses your own blood can really make a difference in dental surgery. Picture your beautiful smile when your procedure is done. PRP injections will give you a reason to flash those pearly whites. Dr. Jirik’s office is located in Cabot, but he also serves the Little Rock, AR and surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule your dental appointment.